People's reactions were quite different. Some mentioned a book within a few seconds, others needed time to think of the most recommendable book. The question even triggered something in a handful of people so they started to brain dump a list of books. Several people hesitated and wanted to know about the context--should it be a technical book or a novel or related to a special topic? I just didn't care. The goal was just to name the one book everybody should read.
Have fun browsing the list of recommended books. Try following experiment if you want: take a look at the list but completely ignore the people who recommended the books. Choose the book which sounds most interesting to you. Now take another look at the list and take the recommending people into account. Which book would you choose now? Why? Think about your decision process and how it is related to coaching, leadership, and rock stars. Self-reflect on this and add your thoughts to the comment of this post if you want.
So here are the survey's results in order of their appearance.
- Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist
(recommended by Mike Sutton)
- Guy Kawasaki - The Art of the Start
(recommended by Claudius Link)
- Mary and Tom Poppendieck - Leading Lean Software Development
(recommended by Sebastian Eichner)
- Julia Cameron - The Artist's Way
/ Der Weg des Künstlers (recommended by Christine Neidhardt)
- Lobsang Rampa - Third Eye
/ Das dritte Auge (recommended by Andreas Leidig)
- Alan Alexander Milne - Winnie the Pooh / Pu der Bär (recommended by Juliane "Jule" Conradt)
- Mike Cohn - Agile Estimating and Planning
(recommended by Florian Eisenberg)
- John Medina - Brain Rules
(recommended by Olaf Lewitz)
- Neal Stephenson - Snow Crash
(recommended by Joseph Pelrine, who started to dump at least 5 books within a few seconds, but this one was his first choice)
- Mike Cohn - Succeeding with Agile
(recommended by Simon Roberts and Krishan Mathis)
- Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander - The Art of Possibility
(recommended by Heiko Stapf)
- Linda Rising - Fearless Change
(recommended by Kai Beck)
- Gabriel García Márquez - One Hundred Years of Solitude
/ Hundert Jahre Einsamkeit (recommended by Angelika Drach)
- Michael Ende - The Neverending Story
/ Die unendliche Geschichte (recommended by Klaus Schenck)
- Nassim Nicholas Taleb - The Black Swan
(recommended by Michael Podvinec)
- Seth Godin - Tribes
(recommended by William Gill)
- Insa Sparrer und Matthias Varga von Kibed - Ganz im Gegenteil (recommended by Pierluigi Pugliese)
- John le Carré - The Little Drummer Girl
/ Die Libelle (recommended by Nicole Rauch)
- Jeswald W. Salacuse - The Wise Advisor
(recommended by Pierre Neis)
- Rachel Davies - Agile Coaching
(recommended by Grazyna Scherer)
- Robert C. Martin - Clean Code
(recommended by Stefan "Steff" Huber)
- The Holy Bible / Die Bibel (recommended by Jürgen "Mentos" Hoffmann)
- Kent Beck - Extreme Programming Explained
(recommended by Christiane Philipps, who actually put two books on the list with this recommendation--it's up to you to find the other one)
- Harry Mulisch - The Discovery of Heaven
/ Die Entdeckung des Himmels (recommended by Swen Gonsberg)
- Eliyahu M. Goldratt - The Goal
/ Das Ziel (recommended by Josef Scherer)
- Dale Carnegie - How To Win Friends And Influence People
(recommended by Martin Klose)
- Christopher Alexander - The Timeless Way of Building
(recommended by Rachel Davies)
- Harrison Owen - Wave Rider
(recommended by Deborah Hartmann-Preuß and Bernhard Findeiss)
- Jon Jenkins and Maureen Jenkins - The 9 Disciplines of a Facilitator
(recommended by Sandra Sieroux)
- Dee Hock - One From Many
(recommended by Martin Heider)
- Mortimer J. Adler - How to Read a Book
(recommended by Ilja Preuß)
- Tom DeMarco - Slack
(recommended by John McFadyen)
- Richard Hackman - Leading Teams
(recommended by Pawel "Paul" Lipinski)
- Douglas Adams - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
/ Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis (recommended by Stefan Gfrörer and Sven Tiffe)
- Hermann Hesse - Steppenwolf
(recommended by Jens Korte)
- Alistair Cockburn - Crystal Clear
(recommended by Maurice le Rutte)
- Stephen R. Covey - The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
(recommended by Yves Hanoulle)
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