Thursday, March 24, 2011

Agile Principle 6: Face-to-Face Conversation

Let's take a look at the sixth underlying principle of the agile manifesto:
"The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation."
What does that really mean? What are the implications for our daily business? Let's analyze this principle and see where this gets us.
  • "The most efficient and effective method of conveying information" - it is not enough to make information available in a passive way but it should be pushed actively to the target audience.
    Values: Communication, Openness
    Principles: Transparency, Make Work Visible, Tell don't ask
    Practices: Osmotic Communication, Informative Workspace
  • "to and within a development team" - do not only expect active communication from the outside of your team but also foster active communication with your own team members.
    Values: Communication, Openness
    Principles: Humanity, Transparency, Make Work Visible, Tell don't ask
    Practices: Osmotic Communication, Informative Workspace, Servant Leadership
  • "is face-to-face conversation" - do not open inefficient communication channels like writing things down on paper, emails, and bug-tracking systems. Rather talk to the receiver of your message directly via phone, video, or in the best case in front of a white board from person to person.
    Values: Focus, Feedback
    Principles: Tell don't ask, Mutual Benefit, Collaboration and cooperation between all stakeholders
    Practices: Sit Together, Team Room
To say it in four words, the sixth principle is about Face-to-Face Conversation.

Also read in this blog post series:

1 comment:

  1. I thank you for your documentation, it was helpful in many ways. Bless you!


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